Our curriculum

Arnbrook’s Curriculum: Intent

At the centre of our curriculum is a commitment to transforming the future of our children and igniting a lifelong thirst for learning. Our curriculum is designed to promote good mental health & build resilience in all our pupils, & ensuring that all members of the school community work together to strive for excellence in pupil wellbeing, achievement & attendance.

Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community.

The ability to learn is based on the teaching of knowledge, skills and concepts; underpinned by the following four values.


At Arnbrook, we aim to foster a sense of social responsibility in all our pupils and help them develop into outstanding citizens and to ensure they are well prepared for life in modern Britain. We aim to promote an awareness of wider global issues through our curriculum and links made with local and global communities.


We believe in instilling a sense of belief in all pupils that they can succeed; raising aspirations and developing a love of learning. We have a warm, tidy and positive environment in which children are eager to learn and children are proud of their school.


At Arnbrook, we strive to provide the best possible outcomes for all children in a climate of high expectation. We want to equip all children with the knowledge, skills and understanding to succeed now and in the future.


We want all children to be inspired by their experiences at Arnbrook; inspired to learn and grow, inspired to make a positive contribution to the local and wider community now and in their adult lives.

Arnbrook’s Curriculum: Implementation

The following principles are at the centre of our curriculum design.


All children from Year 1 to Year 6 follow the 2014 National Curriculum. In addition to this, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education, Religious Education (PHSE), Relationships, Health & Sex Education (RHSE) and a Modern Foreign Language (MFL – Spanish) at Arnbrook Primary School.

All children take part in an educational experience or visit once every term. Children have the opportunity to go on a residential visit in Upper Key Stage 2. Children go swimming in Year 5 & learn the ukulele in Year 3.

 For more information about our school's curriculum, please contact our headteacher, Mr. Maddams

You can find out what each year group are learning about this half term here. 

You can find out more detail about the intent and implementation of each subject here


The teaching of reading is a high priority at Arnbrook Primary School. This starts from the very beginning as children enter our EYFS, with nursery children supported to develop their early reading skills by learning about sounds and rhymes through songs, games and nursery rhymes.  Phonics is taught daily from reception through a well embedded structured programme called ‘Read, Write Inc.’

We work hard to foster a love of reading within our pupils. Parents, we need your help with this. Why not come and use our library which is open each week and has a wide variety of books for you and your child to enjoy together. We ask that our pupils read daily and 'drop everything for 10'. Throughout the school we ensure there are many opportunities for children to listen to and share a variety of stories and texts.

As our pupils transition from 'learning to read', through the Read Write Inc programme, to 'reading to learn' children participate in daily guided reading lessons. During guided reading, the focus is on children having a deep understanding of the text that they are reading. Teachers work hard to broaden children's vocabulary. Reading is at the heart of Arnbrook's curriculum with reading skills developed across a range of subjects. 

For more information, head to our 'Reading at Arnbrook' page

British Values

Throughout our curriculum and ethos, we aim to promote Fundamental British Values and children’s SMSC development within all aspects of school life. You can read more about our approach here.

Foundation Stage

In the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) the pupils work through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which is play based with short focus activities in small groups. During the Autumn term in Year 1 this approach is developed and the content of the work matched to the National Curriculum. From Year 1 upwards pupils follow the National Curriculum and study all subjects.


For information on how we teach Relationships, Health & Sex Education (RHSE) at Arnbrook, please click here

For more information on our curriculum, please speak to Mr. Maddams (Headteacher & Curriculum Lead). 


We follow the Nottinghamshire and the city of Nottingham  Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, ‘RE for All’ 2021-2026.

Through the use of the Syllabus we use RE to enable our pupils to gain insight and knowledge to equip them as responsible members in our society. The Syllabus we follow encourages pupils to discover more about religion and world views on a range of topics. They are encouraged to express ideas and insights into key questions which face all human beings as we travel through life. They will take part in in-school lessons, visits and trips (including trips to places of worship).

The three fold aims of RE in Nottinghamshire will ensure that our pupils:

1. Know and understand a range of religions and world views which will allow them to recognise the diversity which exists in our society.

2. Can express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and the impact of religions and world views as they develop their own personal views on a range of issues

3. Develop and use skills which will assist them to engage seriously with religions and world views

By following the Agreed Syllabus, RE will contribute to a whole range of school priorities. Their study will promote spiritual, cultural, social and moral development, as well as enabling them to consider British Values such as tolerance and respect for other who hold different world views.

If you would like to know more about the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Agreed Syllabus a copy is available for you to read in the school.


Over their time at Arnbrook, children will learn to play the recorder and glockenspiel through our Music lessons. Music lessons are taught every week using the scheme 'Charanga', which has been carefully sequenced to ensure children build upon their prior learning and skills.

We ensure that, regardless of gender, race, class, culture or special educational needs and disabilities, all children are treated as individuals and all experience music to develop their own potential. We encourage a sense of achievement in all children. For more details please see the Music Development Plan at the bottom of this page. 


Our classrooms doors open at 8.40am. The compulsory school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm (3:00pm on Fridays). This equates to 36 hours and 10 minutes.

Arnbrook's Curriculum Overview
EYFS Long Term Plan
Year 1 Long Term Plan
Year 2/3 Long Term Plan
Year 4 Long Term Plan
Year 5 Long Term Plan
Year 6 Long Term Plan
EYFS Parents & Carers GLD Information
Assessment and Marking Policy 24-25
Music Development Plan 24-25